How To Apply Spring Fertilizer
After dreary winters, a beautiful, lush green lawn is a sight to behold. Your lawn will be the envy of all your neighbors by following our DIY Pest & Lawn guidelines.
Spring fertilizer, such as our Nitro-Phos Weed & Feed mixture, should not be applied until the grass is actively growing. This will signal that the soil has reached about 55 degrees Fahrenheit. However, DIY Pest & Lawn recommends waiting until the lawn is at least 50% green before fertilizing. If fertilizer is put down before the grass is actively growing, it is going to waste!
When applying, it's best to split the fertilizer into two smaller applications rather than make one heavy application. For most parts of the country, that means the first feeding should take place by about mid-April.
A well cared for lawn has the power to breathe new life into your home, so be sure to check out our lawn care products! For more tips and advice around the clock, be sure to Like our Facebook page and Follow us on Instagram.